Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Salam Maal Hijrah 1430

Its been more than a month that this blog is left idle, full of cobwebs eh? I know... I am aware...just that the drive is not there for me to begin writing, too many reasons to state here and of course being busy and having a tired body, mind and soul are among them... :)

Anyway, I guess it is not too late for me to wish all my Muslim readers Salam Maal Hijrah 1430. Today is already the second day of Muharam, new month of the new year in the Muslim's calendar.

Hopefully this year will be a much better year for me and also for my family. I do have some resolutions, some things to achieve, some dreams to be fulfilled and some missions to be accomplished. Insyaallah I will strive hard and with blessings from Allah SWT, the road ahead will be with less or no obstacles.

A friend once said that sometimes Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul. He breaks our heart to make us whole. He sends us pain so we can be stronger. He sends us failure to make us humbler. He sends us illness so we can take care of ourselves. Sometimes Allah takes everything from us so we can learn the value of everything He's given us... Allah is great!

So dear all muslims, Salam Maal Hijrah 1430. May all that you wish for in the new year come true! Amin! Insyaallah!

Kalambicara is signing off with fresh new hopes and wishes for the new year 1430H...


Ammiada said...

salam maal hijrah akak... hidup tanpa cabaran bagai makan nasi tak berlauk kak.. :)

kalambicara said...

You're right Shima...it makes us a better person kan? Hope your short hijrah to Perth bring you wonderful insights and great experience to last a lifetime. Salam Maal Hijrah to you and family. Best wishes and may all your dreams come true...Insyaallah.